

I was talking to my brother the other day about how all our kids have been the hardest version of themselves from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2.  After that something happens... they all slowly get easier.  Today our Carson turns 7 and he is one easy kid.  
I loved when Carson was born.  As we snuggled our new big lipped baby boy, and I tried to figure out how to feed him, we watched lots of sports.  Just after he was born the Red Sox won the world series for the first time and I fell in love with baseball.  Then the University of Utah had their amazing season and I fell in love with them too.  Looking back my life was pretty calm then.  Not that I realized it.  My days consisted of taking care of Carson and finding ways to entertain myself.  Sometimes I miss that time.  This week our kids have dance, four soccer games, pictures, a practice, three birthday parties, and three different school schedules and that's just some of our week.  I wouldn't trade it though.  When Carson was a newborn I only felt like I new what I was doing well...never.  At least I can say that now as a mom I think I know what I'm doing about half the time. 
Happy Birthday to our oldest who constantly teaches me and stretches my heart.  Love you!


Mat and Brooke said...

Happy 7th Birthday to Carson!!! What a cutie. :)

Taryn and the boys said...

isn't it amazing how much life does change so quickly. i think about it all the time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARSON!! can't believe our kids are getting so old!

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