
Life and Marathons

Todd ran his first marathon on Saturday. I think he's amazing. With everything we've had going on he's only been able to run a few times the past month, but he still finished it. As Carson, Annie, Kai and I were getting to the finish line I almost started balling. I knew he had been having leg cramps since mile 15 and the last 11 miles had been so hard. It made me think of everything we've had going on. It's been hard, but we can make it. Cute kids full of love always help too.


Mat and Brooke said...


rachel june* said...

amazing to accomplish a marathon alone, but incredible considering your hectic life as of late. Double the "way to go Todd!"

Taryn and the boys said...

that's so awesome. way to go, todd. you do have some pretty dang cute kids. (isaac has that same shirt carson is wearing.)

Max Fam said...

That is incredible! Good job Todd!

holly said...

So AMAZING! Running a marathon is a great analogy for life, especially going through all that you and your family have been through. I am amazed that he pushed through! I would have bawled! What a memory.

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