Dear sweet baby boy,
I remember the night I found out we would be having you. Your daddy was working late and I was packing for our trip to San Fransisco. I thought about telling your daddy you were coming by playing "Baby Baby" by Justin Bieber for him, but I knew he wasn't a Justin Bieber fan. I found a U2 song that had the word "baby" in it. He didn't catch what I meant when I played him the song, but when I told him he was so happy. We talked about you our whole trip to San Fransisco. You were our little secret we weren't ready to share. I was cautiously optimistic and so sick as we waited week after week to share our news. On Christmas we gave our families the calendars that I make for them each year. When they turned to the month of July they saw our announcement of your arrival. Our soon to be July addition. At my first appointment my doctor put me on partial bed rest. It could be worse I thought. I was too sick and tired to exercise anyway. The weeks went by and my stomach grew. Then one day I felt you flutter inside me. I felt you move more and more. Our kids surrounded my tummy gave you kisses and talked to you. I felt you move towards their voices. I felt so much love between you and them. I went to the doctor just past 18 weeks and listened to your strong heartbeat. For the first time I thought you were a boy. I left the doctors office with an uneasy feeling and I had no idea why. The next week I started to feel you push against my hand as I lay in bed. At 20 weeks something changed. I started to feel smaller instead of bigger. I wasn't feeling you move. Last Thursday I started to fear the worst. Friday was supposed to be such a happy day. I knew you were gone, but I didn't want to. We went to our ultrasound appointment on Friday and within a few minutes we knew. We saw you, so perfect, but without a heartbeat. Our hearts were broken. The ultrasound tech cried with us. Then my favorite nurse. We were told I would need to deliver you. We checked in to labor and delivery that night. We didn't know how long it would take to
see you. Around twenty-four hours they said. I had placenta previa and they prepared us that I might have surgery. I hoped to see you I prayed that I would see you. Around 18 hours my water broke. I first saw your foot. Tiny and perfect. With seeing that one little foot I felt more love
than I can describe. The doctor came and after two pushes you were here. Our precious baby boy. You were just under a pound and 8
inches tall. They wrapped you in a blanket and handed you to me. You looked just like your brother Carson. My heart would give anything to have the feeling I had holding you always. They suggested we give you a name. We named you Finn. I wish you could have stayed, but
we know you had to go.
Jenn, I am so terribly sorry :( know that i am thinking of you because i can't stop since i heard the news. sweet finn. you are so amazing and this was a beautiful post. xxoo.
Oh Jenn, as I sat here reading this post I was SO shocked and extremely saddened to read of your loss. Ben and I are sitting here shedding tears for you and your sweet baby Finn. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You are not alone.
Jenn, we too were so sorry to hear about baby, Finn. Tears roll down my face as I read this beautifully written post. Oh, how I feel for you, Todd, and your kids. We love you.
Jenn and Todd, we are so sorry for your loss. I wasn't sure how you would share this news. What an absolute beautiful tribute to your sweet son Finn. The tears just keep falling from my eyes. Austin and I have and continue to pray for you and your families peace. We love you very much.
Jenn! I'm so sorry for your loss and I pray that you find peace through this difficult time! Love you!
What a beautiful dedication to your sweet little guardian angel. My heart has been breaking for you and your sweet family since the moment I heard the devastating news of your loss. I love you, Todd, Carson, Annie, Kai...and that sweet baby Finn. He will be yours again...someday. What a joyous and rewarding day that will be. :)
Jenn, I am so so sorry to hear about your sweet baby Finn. I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel any better. I just want you to know that you are amazing and that you and your sweet family are in my prayers.
Your message about your sweet baby was beautifully difficult to read... I cannot imagine the heartache that you must have experienced, but I tried. My own tears couldn't be held back as I thought of your strength and your beautiful family.
My prayers are with you, and I will forever look toward you when I face my own challenges in life. I love you Jenn.
Oh Jenn, I am so sorry. You're such a wonderful mother and person. We love you and you and your family will all be in our prayers. We miss you.
Jenn, this breaks my heart. I hope you and Todd are doing ok, I am really sorry to hear this news. What a beautiful post. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jenn, I just found this. I am in tears right now, thinking of the pain you must have gone through. The heartache of an experience like this is hard to even imagine. I'm sure your hearts won't heal for a long time, if ever. Our family's prayers will be with you.
Jenn, I couldn't stop crying while I read your post. I am so sorry. That post was so sweet. You will see Finn again and still get to be his mommy. I know that. We will be praying for your family. We love and miss you guys.
Jenn .... seriously you guys have been in our thoughts and prayers constantly since we found out. We hope you know how loved you are and how lucky sweet little Finn is to have such an amazing Mama!! We love you guys!!!
Jenn, I am so sorry! I am in tears. I found out last Sunday, but have been sick so haven't been able to come see you. But I heard you are all sick at your house. When it rains, it pours! I would love to come see you. I will stop by this week. Thinking of you... xoxo
Todd and Jenn, We have just read your post. We are so sorry to hear about your baby (and everything else that has happened) Even though we don't get to see you often we are very blessed to know you. You are a beautiful family and your strength is felt. You guys are really amazing! We love you guys! (Danny and Maize)
Jenn. I am so sorry to hear about you and your families loss. I can't imagine the strength that you needed to get through such a difficult time.
I hope that you and your family have been comforted during this time.
Jenn- You don't know me and I am not even sure how I stumbled upon your blog. This is a beautiful letter to your baby Finn. I have an angel too. Baby Logan(a girl) who returned to Heaven almost 2 weeks ago.
Thank you for such a beautiful post. This has reminded me that I am not alone in my loss. -Carrie
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