
Our shopper.

While the boys are at school I have Annie all to myself two afternoons a week. I have never had just Annie with me, besides quick trips out. I love it! The first day the boys were at school we went shopping. Annie said she HAD to have these glasses from Brass Plum because they matched her outfit perfectly.

Then she posed like this...

and insisted I get this hat.

I think we're in trouble. When it comes to shopping she's a teenager in a five year olds body. Today at TJMax she insisted that I get a pink U of U shirt. "You love the U and it fits you perfectly. You must get it". Then she put it in our cart. She is very convincing and if the shirt would have been cute at all I might have gotten it. We are in trouble. Two girls shopping can do more damage than one.
(All pictures taken on my iPhone (obviously)).

1 comment:

N said...

Oh what fun!! I love that cute little personality. :)

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