
When I grow up.

Is a common phrase while we are out driving. Annie wants to be a doctor and a dentist and Carson wants to be a policeman and a doctor. Today Annie asked me what I want to be. "I'm a mom", I replied. "No, what are you going to do when you grow up", she asked. I told her that I graduated in Communications, but for now I'm a mom. "You can't just be a mom", Annie said. "What are you going to be when you are older? I know you should get back into snow cones. Remember how you told me you did that (when I was sixteen). That's a great idea". Carson could not agree more. Awesome! Until I get back into snow cones I'll spend a few hours a week doing this.

1 comment:

Mat and Brooke said...

totally awesome career choice!! I'll bet you can make some serious big bucks making snow cones. Go chase your dream!! ;)

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