
The Party

We spent one night this weekend celebrating ...

this boy

and this girl.

I kept the food simple with cupcakes and strawberry milk. I bought jam jars and designed labels in photoshop to wrap around the jars.

I made Hello Kitty out of fondant for Annie's cake and Lightning Mcqueen for Kai's cake. I bought sugar toppers for the cupcakes. Everyone was given a bag full of 20 tickets to use at the carnival.

We had coloring, facepainting, bean bag toss, ring toss, and cotton candy for 2 to 5 tickets each.

Our amazingly talented neighbor Courtney does face painting professionally. The kids loved it!

We rented a cotton candy machine and it was so yummy!

Those Ginger Ales I gave Todd for father's day were repurposed for our ring toss. Thank you to everyone that helped with the party. It turned out just how I hoped it would. Since we only do friend parties every other year I have a long time before I plan their next one.


Nina said...

Wow! You sure do have some beautiful parties. ...and it looked like a lot of fun as well.

Mat and Brooke said...

Amazing party, Jenn! Holy Smokes. You are so good at that! What lucky little kids you have. Everything looked as perfect as can be. :) Happy Birthday, Annie and Kai!!

Cyndi and Logan said...

Awesome!! It looks like it went really well and super fun!! Great job Jenn!! I wish I could have come!!:)

rachel june* said...

i can't believe Kai is three! for some reason I always think he is so much younger than Slade?! Very cute party. Happy Birthday to your kiddies!!!

taryn said...

what a cute party! you are so good. happy birthday annie and kai!

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